The Buttercup room is designed for children from approximately 22 months to 2 years, up until they are around 3. This is an exciting time in the development of your child and it's when the fun really begins. A child has so many questions at this age and we aim to provide answers through experimental learning, play and interaction.
As our children become more aware of the world around them we use their interest and show them things that initiate interest which we will then follow.
Experimental and sensory play (or messy play as we often call it) becomes fun and makes a huge impact on their impressionable minds. We love watching them experience a variety of textures by mixing sand, foam, cream, water and other messy play materials.
We vary the main activities each day to provide variety, such as:
A big emphasis for us at this age is teaching them how we all interact together and how to appreciate others. We focus on social skills and enabling them to express themselves. Teaching a child how to be patient, how to share and to take turns is often not easy, but these are lessons that can be learnt at an early age. Staff will carry out 2 year progress checks on your children between the age of 2 and 3 and they will be happy to share this report with you so that through parent partnership we can help children to achieve certain goals and share any concerns through early identification.
We would be grateful if you could supply your own nappies to store in your child's basket. We will supply spare disposable nappies should you run out and wipes at no extra charge. However, we ask that you please bring a spare set of clothes in a named bag each day. A big nappy change can sometimes need a new set of clothes and occasionally play times can get messy too, especially outdoors.